August 16th
Updated GS4 ADAPT plugin to resolve processing errorsUpdated Topcon cov/shp readers to use file time when no logged time is present in fileResolved issue wi...
Fri, 17 Aug, 2018 at 4:04 PM
August 10th
Resolved future date/time issue with some AGCO ISOXML dataResolved issue with Gen3 2020 data where some skip row setups were causing missing acresResolved u...
Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 at 4:20 PM
August 6th
Resolved issue with Gen3 PP2020 reader where the RowData area was not being setResolved unknown units issue with some SMS planting exportsResolved cast exce...
Tue, 7 Aug, 2018 at 2:03 PM
August 1st
Resolved issue with GS3 AsApplied data when multiple bins are applying same productResolved NullReferenceException when scanning certain ISOXML dataResolved...
Mon, 6 Aug, 2018 at 2:10 PM
July 25th
Verified proper support of SMS Site Verification planting exportsUpdated ADAPT mapper to calculate ActiveWidth based on section status to improve summaryRes...
Thu, 26 Jul, 2018 at 4:38 PM
July 20th
Resolved internal processing error seen on for some ilf planting filesResolved missing 2nd hybrid issue with some Gen3 PP2020 filesVerified missing 2nd hybr...
Fri, 20 Jul, 2018 at 4:59 PM
July 13th
Updated PP2020 planting reader to reduce high-planting rate spikesResolved missing varieties on Raven JDP multi-hybrid planting when varieties are switched ...
Mon, 16 Jul, 2018 at 11:01 AM
July 12th
Updated CN1 reader to work around Planting data miscategorized as GrainHarvest in fileResolved null object error with AGCO ISO tasks with no logged pointsRe...
Mon, 16 Jul, 2018 at 11:01 AM
July 6th
Resolved MJD Shp export amount issue with silage harvestAdded 10-minute timeout per GS4 file to work around plugin performance issuesUpdated section status r...
Mon, 9 Jul, 2018 at 2:12 PM
June 29th
Updated ADAPT unit mapping for "ozm" to "oz"
Mon, 2 Jul, 2018 at 1:51 PM