Updated GS4 ADAPT plugin to resolve processing errorsUpdated Topcon cov/shp readers to use file time when no logged time is present in fileResolved issue wi...
Fri, 17 Aug, 2018 at 4:04 PM
Resolved future date/time issue with some AGCO ISOXML dataResolved issue with Gen3 2020 data where some skip row setups were causing missing acresResolved u...
Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 at 4:20 PM
Resolved issue with Gen3 PP2020 reader where the RowData area was not being setResolved unknown units issue with some SMS planting exportsResolved cast exce...
Tue, 7 Aug, 2018 at 2:03 PM
Resolved issue with GS3 AsApplied data when multiple bins are applying same productResolved NullReferenceException when scanning certain ISOXML dataResolved...
Mon, 6 Aug, 2018 at 2:10 PM
Verified proper support of SMS Site Verification planting exportsUpdated ADAPT mapper to calculate ActiveWidth based on section status to improve summaryRes...
Thu, 26 Jul, 2018 at 4:38 PM
Resolved internal processing error seen on for some ilf planting filesResolved missing 2nd hybrid issue with some Gen3 PP2020 filesVerified missing 2nd hybr...
Fri, 20 Jul, 2018 at 4:59 PM
Updated PP2020 planting reader to reduce high-planting rate spikesResolved missing varieties on Raven JDP multi-hybrid planting when varieties are switched ...
Mon, 16 Jul, 2018 at 11:01 AM
Updated CN1 reader to work around Planting data miscategorized as GrainHarvest in fileResolved null object error with AGCO ISO tasks with no logged pointsRe...
Mon, 16 Jul, 2018 at 11:01 AM
Resolved MJD Shp export amount issue with silage harvestAdded 10-minute timeout per GS4 file to work around plugin performance issuesUpdated section status r...
Mon, 9 Jul, 2018 at 2:12 PM