

  • Integration of Data Exchange 2.0 Into QC Pro

    • Users will see changes to the ‘My Equipment’ Portion of the application

      • Users should now navigate to the Equipment Tab to add, view or delete equipment connections 

    • Users will still be able to access ‘My Contacts’ and ‘My Software’ from the Connections Tab

  • Added in the ability to attach a .csv when converting a logged data file to the the Adapt ADM Format 


  • Improved functionality to prevent crashes while syncing

  • Improved boundary synching validation process


  • Added the ability to toggle between displaying datasets as smoothed/interpolated images, polygons and point style images in the Planting and As-Applied screens


  • API Changes: Any customer currently using the Data Exchange 1.0 endpoint will need to update to the Data Exchange 2.0 Endpoint. If using sandbox to test these changes before production please use for any Data Exchange 2.0 calls.

  • List of Updated Endpoints (DE1.0 endpoint -- Sub-Bullet Point DE2.0) 

    • GET /TelematicsNode/Tree

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/Tree

    • GET /TelematicsNode/{Equipment}Asset

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/Equipment/Register

    • GET /TelematicsNode/{telematicsnode_id}/Files

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/{telematicsnode_id}/Files

    • POST /TelematicsNode/{telematicsnode_id}/Files

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/{telematicsnode_id}/Files

    • GET /TelematicsNode/{telematicsNodeID}/Files/{fileId}

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/{telematicsNodeID}/Files/{fileId}

    • GET /TelematicsNode/{telematicsnode_id}/Fields

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/{telematicsnode_id}/Fields

    • POST /TelematicsNode/ClimateFieldView/Asset/FieldBoundaries

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/{telematicsNodeID}/FieldBoundary

    • GET /TelematicsNode/{telematicsnode_id}/Climate/Status

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/{trackingCode}/FileStatus

    • POST /TelematicsNode/RemoveEquipment

      • DELETE /api/TelematicsNodeV2/{telematicsNodeID}

    • GET/TelematicsNode/Manager

      • /api/TelematicsNodeV2/Equipment/Register

  • Created the following endpoints that will allow the creation of companies and users under specific companies within an organization

    • NEW! GET /SyncPartner/Company/Status

      • This function is used to check the status of a company creation.

    • NEW! GET /SyncPartner/Companies

      • This function is used to get company ID's under an organization.

    • NEW! POST /SyncPartner/Company

      • This function is used to create a company under your organization. This can copy the current partner's permissions and capabilities to the new company, and set up AWS for buckets and QC Pro Editor if AWS credentials are passed into editor_information.

    • UPDATED! PUT /Connections/Users/New & PUT /Connections/Users/Full

      • Endpoint updated to accept a company_id

      • Endpoint updated to accept both JSON and XML formats

    • UPDATED! POST SyncPartner/Full/Profile/Tree & POST SyncPartner/Update/Profile/Tree

      • Endpoint updated to accept a company_id

  • The following endpoints will be depreciated;

    • GET /Connections- Returns a list of valid Connection objects for the user that made the api request.

      • We recommend using the Data Exchange endpoints for all equipment related functionality. Specifically the GET/TelematicsNode/Tree for Data Exchange 1.0 and GET/TelematicsNodeV2/Tree for Data Exchange 2.0 as a replacement.

      • We recommend using GET/Connections/Software for viewing software the current user is registered with. 

      • There is no replacement functionality for viewing contacts.

    • POST /Connections/Users/File- This endpoint sends the provided file to the the user_ids being passed into the endpoint

      • There is no replacement for this functionality 

    • GET /Connections/Users/Location- A user's location will only be available if they have shared their location using the QC Pro Mobile application.

      • There is no replacement for this functionality.

  • Future deprecation item:

  • PUT /Connections/Users/Stub

    • We recommend using PUT/Connections/Users/Full as a replacement for this endpoint



  • Resolved an issue where Auto publish templates were not disabling


  • Resolved an issue saving and publishing manual data

  • Resolved an issue where files were showing the incorrect state on the import tab 


  • Resolved an issue when logging in, users would repeatedly get auto convert toast messages

  • Resolved an issue where a loading mask would get stuck while attempting to use the sent queue


  • Resolved an issue with the app crashing when using smart send


  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to switch map layers

  • Resolved an issue with Error when logging soil samples