
            Editing yield is an import step to ensure data quality. It can remove outliers, correct moisture issues, shift data points to their actual locations, and make other important adjustments. This document will walk through and explain each tool within the editor. Please see the document on Yield Editing Basics for general instruction on the use of the Editor.  See the attached document for a detailed walkthrough with screenshots.

Definitions of Editor Tools


        Min = Removes all points below the value set

        Max = Removes all points above the value set

        Std Dev = Removes all points that deviate from its nearest neighbors by the value set

        Avg = Allows for post calibration by moving all values up or down to match the new average provided


        Moisture = Adjust the time delay from header to moisture meter

        Flow = Adjust the time delay from header to flow meter


        Apply Drying Calc = Removes water weight for moisture readings above the market value of current crop

        Final Moisture % = Allows one to set a new market value moisture (If blank the crop default will be used)

        Apply Expansion Calc = Adds water weight for moisture reading below the market value of current crop


        Min Speed = Removes all points where machine speed is below value set

        Max Speed = Removes all points where machine speed is above value set

        Header Down = Toggle to include or exclude points based on header position

        Turn Row = Toggle to include or exclude points collected on the turn row

        GPS Drift = Toggle to modify the position of points that fall significantly outside the path of its neighbors

     Advanced Adjustments

        Implement Width = Set or change the width of the header

        GPS Offset = Set or Change the position of the GPS relative to the header

Detailed Walkthrough with Screenshots

    After loading yield into the Yield Tab, the list of segments will populate the Segments window and the selected fields will load into the Selected Fields window. By default, all the Yield Segments that match your Selected Profile, Crop, and Crop Year will be marked for editing in the Yield Segment Selection window. You can edit one, a group, or all the yield segments at once.

    NOTE: If you plan on post calibrating, be sure to only select segments that match your correction data. For example, if you have the grand total pounds or bushels/acre of corn for a grower, you can select all the corn yield segments to post calibrate at once, but if you have the total pounds or bushels/acre for each field, you will want to post calibrate yield at the field level.

    With your yield segment selections made, begin setting values in the Yield Editor window.

    Each Yield Editor parameter is used to filter or modify points inside the yield segments. For example, the Min filters out all points below the value set, while the Max removes all points above the value set. The UOM for each value is determined by the crop. Most grains will be in Bu/Acre while cotton and other crops will be in Lbs/Acre.


    The Histogram is great for determining the Min and Max settings. Hover anywhere to the left or right of the bell curve to determine the correct value to use.

    With the desired parameters entered, click apply.

    When happy with the changes being made, one can click Save or Save and Publish. Saving and Publishing will create a new cleaned dataset, removing all the points matching the criteria and send the cleaned copy to the predesignated storage or FMIS. The original raw data is never affected by editing.

    For any given set of parameters, a template can be created. Each template applies to a Crop and Crop Year. Applying a template will automatically populate the appropriate fields with the saved values. All template options are housed under Template Tools. Using the Set as Default option will always automatically apply the current values each time the user loads the same crop.