
My John Deere allows users to link multiple accounts together. Once accounts are linked, adding a My John Deere connection inside the Coordinator will give a user access to the all their connected Partners. This document can be used to modify existing partners or add new ones.

As an example, if User A wishes to see Partner B inside the Coordinator, User A needs to request Partner B to follow the steps outlined below. Please share this document with any partner to whom you wish to connect.

Quick Guide to Modifying or Adding a MJD Partner

1. Have the partner navigate to My John Deere

2. Sign into the portal

3. Select Operations Center (If Prompted)

4. Click the Tools Button

5. Click Manage (Skip to Step 8 to Add)


6. Select the Partner that needs to be modified

7. Click Delete

8. Select Add > Partner Organization

9. Enter the email address and click Next

10. Add an Access Level of 3, 2, 3, 2

  • These are the Deere Permissions Required
    Equipment Level 1 - Needed to list equipment
    Locations Level 3 - Needed to list files

11. Click Next

12. Click Finish

Please see attachment for a Detailed Walkthrough with Screenshots